Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Enter Stormtalon and some troopers

The fluff of Red Talons cries for a flyer. Before I was thinking including Stormraven from Blood Angels list although it might have been against the official rules (5th edition), but it would have fit in the fluff. Now with the release of Stormtalon some of my worries have dispatched. The new flyer is a must for a Red Talon army.

Currently I have the model in pieces, but I managed to convert a Tech Marine for the flyer. I wanted to make it more bulky, but including a proper Tech Marine would have been overkill as the model doesn't shot that much from the cockpit. So I tried to replicate the armour style on the pilot to make it more "techy" and bulky. I will paint the figure before adding hands and such, as I want to get the whole model painted properly.

Here's some WIP pictures about the pilot:

The next step is to add some wiring to the lower parts of the armour using thin brass wire and some guitar wire. The wires will attach the the chair and the console behind. I'm looking for a hard-wired look on the model. I saw amazing pictures in Photobucket by Brother Beork about amazing bionic conversions. I will borrow some of the techniques to this model.

I also managed to get my hands on the Necron Praetorians for spare bionic parts. I'm trying a conversion to my Assault Marine Sergeant where the breastplate is replaced by one from Lychguard where I will remove the Necron symbol and the shoulder guards. Let's see what cool conversions I come up with the Necron bits. Some of the parts will end up to the pilot also, but I need to have a session with clippers and glue to make up my mind about what's gonna be done.

The overall feeling with the Stormtalon will be more aquila-like. I will attach Chaos Defiler claws to the bottom of the model and extend the wings with some bionic feathers. This will take some time and engineering to get it right, but I will attach pictures also when I get doing that.

Here's some sneak preview about the base coated models I have under progress:

More will follow... ;) And as I was scrolling through the 6th edition rules, I made a decision to include a Reclusiarch as an Assault Chaplain. This allows me to include the Stormraven also. ;) Great!

- Peksi

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